Jeanet Tromp-Heinen

Founder of Gastvrijbedrijf Training & Communicatie, marketingcommunication consultancy, trainer and mentor

Jeanet has work experience in the public and commercial sector and studied marketing and communications, NLP-trainership, systemic coaching, project/programmanagement, coaching and training.

During her job at KLM she learned about topservice and how to practice this. She built, from the heritage of her parents, and has exploited a B&B-accommodation with trainingfacilities for twelve years. She developed a fascination for hospitality in communications and for the way you can use (non)verbal communication endlessly to advice and help people and companies develop and grow. She loves to advice and support others with this expertise.

Jeanet has learned in her educations and in life about how people communicate, get along and work with each other. And she found out that meetings between people play a central role in all we do. We cannot live without meeting other people and it makes life more pleasant. By seeing other people as individuals and as your best guests, customers, clients, patients or citizens and using your authenticity and passion as USP in this relationships, you will create the most beautiful meetings and connections, that makes anything possible. This brings you a pleasant person and successful in your business.

Why you would like to work with us

  • Comptia-trainer, NLP-trainer, systemic coach
  • Educated in marketing and communications
  • Experienced in hospitality and aviation
  • Familiair with public (local government) and commercial sector
  • Own training models and -methods
  • Factor C facilitator


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